Wednesday, May 11, 2011

End of Year Activities

Dear Parents,

Our Basket this year is the Arts and Crafts Theme- Please donate/contribute items and or money and gift cards, if you wish. Thank you from Room 116! You can bring items to our class or contact Miriam Hernandez (Tony’s mom).

Friday, May 20- Talent show, Basket Raffle, and Salad Spectacular

Monday, May 23- Need 3-4 volunteer children’s tents- “Camp Read” and Pajama Day

Tuesday, May 24- Mixed up clothing day and “Passing of the Crown Ceremony” 1-3PM- celebration

Wednesday, May 25- Crazy Hair day and Az. Science Center- permission slips and $2 per person for IMAX, volunteers needed too

Thursday, May 26- Last Day!- Water Day on Campus

Thank you, again for entrusting your wonderful children to us and for all you do. We hope you have a fun, healthy, enjoyable summer. Please keep up the great parenting!

Wendy Silver and Gina Ramirez